Quilt-As-You-Go with Block of the Month

Quilt-As-You-Go is a simple and straightforward technique where you sew your quilt top, batting and backing together, block by block followed by each quilt block individually. When you are finished quilting the blocks, assemble the quilt top (using Pauline Rogers sashing technique) and complete the quilt.

Why for beginners? Because, instead of handling bulky quilts, you can quilt your project one block at a time. It is a way to quilt blocks before putting a quilt together (in our programme, we are using Pauline Roger’s sashing techniques). 

For experienced quilters,  the curated Block of the Month is definitely an exciting and challenging activity! 

Quilt-As-You-Go is a simple and straightforward technique where you sew your quilt top and batting together, followed by each quilt block individually. When you are finished quilting the block, assemble the quilt top and complete the quilt.

The method is a great quilting technique for beginners as it breaks down the quilting process into smaller, manageable steps. Additionally, the quilting technique is also great for experienced quilters as it allows you to quilt faster with higher accuracy levels. In other words, Quilt As You Go is a fun and challenging opportunity to try on new techniques and different stitching patterns. 

About the Block of the Month

Block of the Month is a subscription service that provides everything you need for your beautiful Quilt-As-You-Go project, including easy-to-follow instructions.

I have handpicked and curated a selection of premium fabrics for subscribers, and I will send each fabric block on a monthly basis within a determined period of time. Imagine waiting for each block every month in excitement!

Since each theme has its own different set of patterns and techniques (some even have appliqués and embroideries, too!), it therefore has a varied finishing time.

What are the themes for Block of the Month?

For the Mandala Gift, for instance, requires 15 months to complete, and we will send you one premium fabric block to quilt on a monthly basis. The finished product is 77" square and more suitable for intermediate level quilters.

The Mandala Gift is especially unique, as you will also use your skills to hand trace and colour using Crayola wax crayons. Once you have coloured in your Mandalas, you will need to embroider the outline before quilting them into a beautiful tapestry. 

How to connect them? Of course, Pauline Rogers’ Sashing Techniques!

Make it stand out

Complete Mandala Gift over the course of 15 months.

In need of a Christmas quilt? Or maybe a Christmas-atmosphere quilt for any occasion?

Although shorter in time of completion, the Hawaiian Wonder is slightly larger with a size of 76" x 91" and 12 curated premium fabric batik blocks. The quilt requires your skills to hand trace and appliqué, whether by hand or machine, and eventually connect them using Pauline Rogers’ Sashing Techniques.  

This spread quilt is more suited for intermediate or advanced level quilters.

Make it pretty

You will finish this quilt in 12 months! If you start in December after Christmas, you can make it in time for next Christmas!

How to register?

Each Block of the Month has a premade design you can trace on to your premium batik fabric, together with all fabric needed as well as for the front and back of your quilts. Other than that, it also has a step-by-step Quilt-As-You-Go guideline by Pauline Rogers to assemble all the important elements, as well as a wholesome detailed instruction on how to put your quilt together.

The batik fabric for quilting will arrive monthly from Bali to your doorstep free of additional charge, and it will have a little bit of Jacky’s personal touch in it!

Any questions? Contact us here!


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