Must-visit locations for Batik Lovers

Batik is a centuries-old textile art form that has been modified by various Indonesian cultures. The fascinating history, which occurred more than 500 years ago, is reflected in the beautiful art that has captivated people around the world.


The word batik comes from the Sundanese language spoken in the western part of Java, which means "to apply." It is essentially a dyeing technique that uses wax-resist dyeing applied to the whole cloth.

The technique originated in Java, Indonesia, and the batik is made either by drawing dots or lines of the resist with a spouted tool called canting, or by stamping the resist with a copper stamp called tjap or cap. If you've ever participated in our Java Expedition retreat, you will understand what we mean!


Traditional weavers used to use natural dyes, such as those found in plants or insects, giving their work a distinct aesthetic flair, and all batik fabrics were hand-painted.


Nowadays, most batik dyeing is carried out using a variety of contemporary technologies to enable more creative flexibility. The hand-painted ones are still available, but they are typically more expensive because of the lengthier creation times for each fabric.


So, what are the traditional towns in Indonesia you need to visit if you’re a batik lover? Check them out below!


If you're a batik lover, then you'll definitely want to add Yogyakarta to your list of must-visit destinations. This bustling city is well known for its delicious local cuisine, rich cultural heritage, and beautiful traditional art, including the stunning batik fabrics.

The beautiful Yogyakarta

You will find a wide variety of royal traditional batik designs that originated from Yogyakarta, each with its own moral meaning and story. Some of the most popular include Parang Rusak, Ceplok, Sidomukti, Truntum, and Kawung.

Yogyakarta is also the home of the Candi Borobudur and Prambanan, two of the world's most famous historical places. You need to visit both.

The beautiful Candi Borobudur

The remarkable Candi Prambanan

In our Java Expedition Retreat, Yogyakarta is the first place we visit!

Surakarta, Indonesia

The intricate and colorful Surakarta batik designs from Indonesia are a must for any true art lover. Since the city is located in Java, the traditional patterns tell stories of ancient Java. The royal residencies there dated back to the 18th century, with such a rich history, culture, and tradition that heavily influenced the batik fabric.

Can you see how beautiful Surakarta is? 💕

You can view some of the specially crafted batiks made for the royals at the Danar Hadi Museum—it will definitely leave an impression long after visitors leave this beautiful country.


The Island of Gods is the home of some of the best batik in Indonesia, with intricate patterns and brighter colours than you normally find in Java. In Java, you will mostly find batik in earthy tones, for instance, brown, white, and green. Balinese batik normally features beautiful designs inspired by the tropical flora of the island, including the flowers Frangipani and Hibiscus.

The beautiful, diverse, and cultural Bali.

There are numerous places to learn about Bali batik, its rich history, and influence on Hindu culture, from Ubud to Sukawati, and Singaraja to Karangasem.

Join our Java Expedition Retreat in 2023

Wouldn’t it be absolutely amazing to be able to visit all these places and learn about batik from the source? The secret is out: now you can!

Wacky Jacky has you covered with our Java expedition in 2023, where we spend time in all three of these important locations for every batik lover out there. Dive into the origins and process of batik creation by booking your spot now.

Learn more about our Java Expedition Retreat here, and stop missing out on the most batik-filled time of your life!


A Story In Every Dot


Master the secrets of Shibori Indigo dyeing with Wacky Jacky Retreats